Older Theiagen workflows are still available in the GitHub repositories: https://github.com/theiagen/public_health_viral_genomics, https://github.com/theiagen/public_health_bacterial_genomics, and https://github.com/theiagen/terra_utilities. Documentation for each major and minor version of the archived GitHub repositories are available below, alongside other resources for using the workflows and interpreting their outputs. These workflows are no longer under active development and the documentation presented is for consultation purposes only. We recommend the use of Public Health Bioinformatics workflows instead.

Public Health Viral Genomics

PHVG v2.3.2

PHVG v2.3.1

PHVG v2.3.0

PHVG v2.1.x

PHVG v2.0.x

Public Health Bacterial Genomics

PHBG v1.3.0

PHBG v1.2.0

PHBG v1.1.1

PHBG v1.1.0

Terra Utilities

Terra Utilities v1.4